
2007 and 2008 Coming Program

Program 2007

Dec. 14th - 16th, Introduction to Family Constellation, Cheng Lap Fung, Xian, China
Dec 18th - 23rd, Foundation of Systemic Constellation with Cheng Lap Fung, Guangzhou, China

Program 2008
Feb 27th - 3rd, 2008 Master Training in Constellation with Dr. Hunter Beaumont, Hong Kong , China

Apr 24th - 29th, 2008 Foundation of Systemic Constellation with Cheng Lap Fung, Guangzhou, China

Jun 6th - 8th, 2008 Trance phenomenon and Constellation with Heinrich Breuer, Hong Kong/China

Jun 26th - Jul 1st, 2008 Intermediate Training in Systemic Constellation with Cheng Lap Fung, Guangzhou, China

Sep 16th - 21st, 2008 Interrupted Reaching Out Movement with Frank Gallenmuller, Hong Kong/China

Nov 3rd - 9th, 2008 Advanced Training in Systemic Constellation with Wilfred Nelles, Hong Kong/China

Dr. Hunter Beaumont in Hong Kong 2008

Family Constellations Master
Training with Dr. Hunter Beaumont

Dr. Hunter Beaumont
A graduate of the University of California at Los Angeles and the School of Theology at Claremont, Calif., Hunter Beaumont, Ph.D., began his psychotherapeutic career at the Gestalt Therapy Institute of Los Angeles, where he served as president and as a member of the training faculty. A licensed clinical psychologist, in 1980, he accepted a guest professorship in clinical psychology at Ludwig-Macimillian's University in Munich, Germany, teaching graduate courses in Gestalt Therapy and Object Relations Theory. In addition to training and supervising psychotherapists, he has developed an integrated, interdisciplinary approach to treating psychosomatic illnesses and relationship issues.
He became interested in the work of Bert Hellinger in 1990 and has been collaborating with him
since 1993. He is the co-author with Bert Hellinger and Gunthard Weber of Love's Hidden
Symmetry, the first book in English to present these ideas, and has been instrumental in making this
work available in the English speaking world. Dr. Beaumont has been a principle participant in the
development and dissemination of Hellinger's work.
Hunter Beaumont has a special interest in early infant-caregiver relationships and his ambition is to
integrate systemic constellation with psychotherapy.

Master Training Program (Feb 27— Mar 3rd, 2008 )
complete review and integration of constel lation work

This is the first time ever Dr. Hunter Beaumont come to Hong Kong and China. He’ll be leading an
experienced learning group in which most of them are practicing family constellation in these region.
We’d only accept less than 40 participants in this learning opportunity. You will be able to exchange
ideas and build friendship with people who are working in Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Singapore and
other Asia Pacific countries.
Dr. Hunter Beaumont will be giving his insights on various topics:
• Phenomenological Postures
• Reflection on Consciences of various levels
• Child’s soul—latest research on child development
• Meaning of Soul, and education of Soul
• Order of Love— Couple’s, Parents and Children, and larger system
• Movement of Soul and Movement of Spirit-mind as developed by Bert Hellinger
• Integration of psychotherapy and constellation
• Therapeutic postures…. And much more.
• Latest development of International Systemic Constellation Association.
Participants has the opportunities to work personally, receiving supervision and/or asking difficult
questions facing constellation. It’s an opportunity to be touched both on professional level and spiritual

Family Constellations Master Training Workshop
with Dr. Hunter Beaumont
Date: F e b 2 7 t h — M a r 3 r d , 2 008
(Suitable for people familiar with constellation, and ready to use it as a tool to help
Time : 9:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Venue : Jordan Room, Eaton Hotel, Nathan Road,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China

6 Day—Master Training Program
AFTER 15TH JAN, 2008 HKD 13,800
Seminars are limited to 30 participants only, there’ll be an evaluation process to ensure participants possessing sufficient level of learning. Please send your application first, you may pay only after our personal notification.
Additional discount available if taking Guni Baxa Workshop in January together

Enquiry and Enrolment:
Please contact Ms Carol Leung
Tel : (852) 6370 6370
Fax : (852) 3592 5740
Email : enquiry@systemicsolutions.hk
Webpage : www.systemicsolutions.hk

Dr. phil. Guni Leila Baxa in China 2008

龔貝莎博士Dr. phil. Guni Leila Baxa


結構派系統排列訓練工作坊 系統排列第三大分支
結構派系統排列 (2008年1月11-13日 )

人生挑戰,到現在已經發展出超過100 多種排列模式,對應各種不同的情況。
• 解決問題通用排列模式
• 全方位選擇四宮分解排列模式
• 心靈資源神奇三角型排列模式
• 重新整合被排斥部分的排列模式
• 結合家庭系統和組織系統排列,還有更多…

(本工作坊為系統排列導師認證學分課程,8 學時/天,共3 天。)
日期: 2008 年1 月11-13 日 (星期五、六、日)
時間: 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
地點: 深圳 羅湖區 愛國路4006 號
住宿: 約RMB 300 /晚
2007年 12月15日前報名 學費 RMB 3,900
2007年 12月15日後報名 學費 RMB 4,800
個案費 RMB 500

電話 : 01380 8856569
傳真 : (0755) 25514753
電郵 : kathyhuyixiao@163.com
請聯絡Carol 梁小姐
電話 : (852) 92342271
傳真 : (852) 35925740
電郵 : enquiry@systemicsolutions.hk